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Discussing shop management and being a Manager In An Auto shop
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Discussing shop management and being a Manager In An Auto shop

Before we discuss management in an auto shop and its encompassment, let us get a brief knowledge of how an auto shop functions. Auto repair management spaces sometimes referred to as workshops or garage is an area selected for the repair of automobiles. Skilled individuals such as mechanics and automotive service technicians are important individuals that help in the day to day running of an auto repair shop.

Management And Leadership in Auto Repair Shop

Many people usually interchange terms “management” and “leadership” due to their similar attributes. But personally, I think that management is entirely different from leadership. Leadership is regarded as the ability of an individual to influence other people such that goals are achieved voluntarily and joyfully while management is a subject that focuses on making the best decisions possible as it is the art or talent of completing tasks with and through others.

Discussing shop management and being a Manager In An Auto shop

Some Of The Key Differences Between Management And Leadership

Leadership takes a proactive approach while management, on the other hand, is a reactive profession. A leader is a person with vision who takes proactive decisions on behalf of the followers. A manager is the one who is  in charge of the administration of a group of people or an organization. Just like any other organization, an auto repair shop requires handling and management.

Principles and norms are developed in leadership, whereas policies and procedures are applied in management. In leadership, orders are given directly from the leader based on his/her discretion. These orders may be right or wrong, depending on its outcome but in management, there are tested and proven principles available to managers to easily implement.

Principles of Managing an auto repair shop

There are certain principle guiding management of an organization and anauto shop in particular and they have proven to be effective over the past century or so,and for the shop management of auto repair businesses, they apply as well. Some  of these principles include:

Division Of Labour

In an organization, there are different  employees with different skill sets that helps them execute their various given jobs. Labour division in management is an important principle in the total and timely execution of a job. For example, in the auto shopwork is distributed among different individuals in order to satisfy a customer.

Discussing shop management and being a Manager In An Auto shop

Unity Of Command

This is a principle in management whereby an employee has only one boss and follows the order from that boss only. This principle helps to manage conflict of issues between a chain of command.

Equity among employees

This principle addresses the importance of fair treatment among staff. No employee should be rated over another as it could cause for example psychological effects on belittled employees.

Provide Employees With Job Security

Individuals working in an organization should be rest assured that their job is safe provided they are doing what is asked of them. Employees should not be in fear of loosing their jobs based on the kind of boss they have. This would help the individuals work freely without fear and pressure, thereby creating a nontoxic work environment.

To learn more about car shop management click here.